[原+完] 我儿子的干爸干妈 (筱杰+鬼王) - 我愛黑澀會 | 棒棒堂 [结局小说] - 黑澀會.我愛黑澀會| 棒棒堂小说区 - 我愛黑澀會 | 模範棒棒堂 ♂ 超級後援會 - Powered by Discuz!
我愛黑澀會 | 模範棒棒堂 ♂ 超級後援會
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標題: [原+完] 我儿子的干爸干妈 (筱杰+鬼王)
Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
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積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
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註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 09:55  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter  5: 合约是什么?
[好吧,我放弃.] 小杰边说边从鬼鬼房间走出来
[小声一点...小恩终于睡了.] 鬼鬼说
[谢谢,一定很难把他摇睡吧.] 王子说
[对啊!] 鬼鬼说
[够了!我们在这里] 小杰说
.] 王子说
[为什么是我们?爸爸妈妈不可以?] 小杰说
[我们没有时间.因为我们要主持节目可是我们会在假日时照顾恩恩的.] 黑人说
[你和筱婕可以一起照顾宝宝.根何况你们是小恩的干爸干妈.] 鬼鬼说
[好吧!我们照顾小恩.] 筱婕说
[什么!] 小杰喊着说
[难道你要你的干儿子被别人虐待?] 筱婕说
[也有道理.] 小杰说
[我不是每天都那么笨的.] 筱婕说
[可是..你们得签一份合约.] 黑人说
[对.一份你们得遵守的合约.] 范范说
[我们得遵守的合约?] 筱杰看着鬼王说
[我们不知道有合约.] 鬼王说
[合约是恩恩的外公外婆定的不是他的父母.] 范范说
[这个合约是一定要签的.] 黑人说
[合约是你们定的?] 筱婕说
[我想不是什么好东西.] 小杰说
[那合约的内容是什么?] 筱婕说
是什么立了.] 黑人说
[那我呢?] 小杰说
[明天来我家吧.] 筱婕说
[鬼鬼快过来,我买了很多东西给小恩.] 筱婕说
[你买下整间店?] 鬼鬼说
[我希望我可以.你看,这个衣服好可爱哦.] 筱婕说
[对啊.你在哪买啊?] 鬼鬼兴奋的说
[女生!] 王子和小杰说
[我们会在厨房里煮晚餐.] 范范和黑人一起说
[他们是不是暗示我们不要去厨房打扰他们?] 小杰说
[鬼鬼我们去小恩房间吧.我有话要跟你说.] 王子说

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-27 09:40 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 09:57  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter  6: 这是命令!

[你及时告诉他们?] 筱婕说
[我们都偷偷不让妈妈爸爸和好朋友知道我们订婚了.很难告诉他们的.] 筱婕说
.] 小杰说
[可是你大哥的情况不惨啊.宝宝那么可爱.] 筱婕说
[别告诉我你要放弃这个计划?我还不想当爸爸.] 小杰说
[好吧.你准备好了在告诉我.] 筱婕说
[你看,我就说他们一定发生什么事的.] 范范说
[好吧.我们去煮饭吧.] 黑人说
[为什么筱婕都没有跟我说?] 鬼鬼说
[小杰也没跟我说.] 王子说
[好吧,我们去照顾小恩吧.] 王子说

[我不能和你们一起吃.我得味小恩吃.] 鬼鬼说
[我陪你吧.] 王子说
[我们先吃吧.] 黑人说
[范范姐姐的手艺真的是很好.] 筱婕说
[那时因为你饿了.] 范范说
[吃慢一点.] 小杰说

[一可女孩自己回家是危险的.小杰送她回家吧.] 范范说
[为什么?我要睡觉.] 小杰说
[这是命令!小杰] 范范说
[现在只有你和我.] 小杰说
[你是不是很累?如果是的话,我自己回家好了.] 筱婕说
[不会.我只是怕他们怀疑.] 小杰说
[我明白了.那我们现在去哪里?] 筱婕说
[我带你去别的地方吧.反正还早.不然我们去逛街?] 小杰说
[好吧.] 筱婕说

[我要进去了.] 筱婕说
[好了,晚安.] 筱婕说

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-27 10:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 09:59  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter  7: 岂有此理

[黑人老大,合约在哪里?你不是忘记了吧?] 筱婕说
[给你.] 黑人把一个信封接给筱婕
[什么!?] 筱婕喊着说
[你不是认真的吧!] 筱婕问黑人
[我是认真的.] 黑人笑着说

SMS (筱婕-小杰)

[进来.] 筱婕拉小杰进屋
[你读.] 筱婕把信封丢给小杰
[什么!?] 小杰喊着说

1) 我们得结婚才能照顾小恩.
2) 我们得住在鬼王交出来的房子.
3) 我们答应不准虐待小恩.
4) 我们会爱彼此一辈子.
5) 我们会在小恩五岁时生小小杰.

[我都跟你说很重要了.我只答应第3. 1,2,4&5太离谱了.] 筱婕说
[如果我选第5个我就会像我哥.] 小杰说
[那我们该怎么办?] 筱婕说
[我们不可以把小恩给别人照顾.他会被虐待的.] 筱婕说
[我想我们应该跟他们谈判.] 小杰说
是说条件.] 筱婕说
[我想他们不知道这份合约.我们现在不应该给他们看合约]条件是...] 小杰把条件
[我们答应第2&3.可是我们不能让他们知道我们在一起所以...我们还得假装.] 小杰

[好难演哦.我会小心我说的话还有我不能看着你了.我会在他们面前跟吵架.] 筱婕

.] 小杰说
[你确定吗?] 筱婕说
[我确定.我们现在打给范妈妈和黑爸爸叫他们过来好吗?] 小杰说
[那我到厨房里做点东西给你吃.] 筱婕说

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-28 15:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 09:59  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter  8: 为什么?

[为什么你要我们赶来?为什么你在筱婕家? ] 范范说
[我的儿子,你谦我一个解释.] 黑人说
.] 小杰说
[你说的是那个合约?我只要第1,2,3&4.你的妈妈要第5个.] 黑人笑着说
[对不起.我只想小恩有人陪嘛.] 范范说
[我们可以谈判吗?我们有话要跟你们说.] 小杰说
[可以啊.] 黑人和范范一起说
[我们在交往,我们订婚了.我们要照顾小恩可是我们不要合约.] 小杰说
[你看..他们真的在一起.] 范范说
[好.你赢.那合约呢?] 黑人说
[我们不要合约!你们的合约内容太离谱了.] 小杰说
[不可以!我们要有合约.我不管我还要合约!] 范范说
[不可以.如果你不解除合约,我们就不照顾小恩.] 小杰说,筱婕因为在厨房里听到他
[好痛!] 筱婕不小心切到自己的手
[你切到你自己?你没事吧?] 小杰说
[小杰把筱婕带到客厅吧.我来煮吧.] 范范说
[你为什么那么不小心?] 小杰说
[我只是在想东西..] 筱婕说
[你在想什么?想到你切到你自己.我不要我的第二个女儿受伤.] 黑人说
[我只是在想合约的事...] 筱婕说
[quxu..] 黑人说
[我要照顾小恩] 筱婕说
[你疯了?] 小杰说
[什么你疯了儿子?我要告诉你妈妈这个好消息.] 黑人说
[你可以告诉我为什么你要同意那个合约?] 小杰说
[那你说你为什么不要答应合约?] 筱婕说
[那是因为我不想像我的哥哥.] 小杰说
[我也不想像鬼鬼可是我们也可以不要遵守第5个啊.还是你不想嫁给我?] 筱婕说

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-28 15:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
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閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:02  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter  9: 你不要嫁给我?

[我不是这个意思.你也知道...] 小杰说
[我不知道!你不要和我结婚你可以说的.你不必那小恩或你哥来当借口.] 筱婕
[我不是这个意思.我们还年轻.我不想别这份合约棒住自己.] 小杰说
[所以你就是说如果我们没有这个合约你也不跟我结婚?] 筱婕说
[不是...时间还没到.] 小杰说
[那是及时?] 筱婕
[我不想因为那份合约你才跟我结婚.] 小杰说
[为了小恩我不建议.] 筱婕说
[我建议!] 小杰喊着说
[那这样的话,你要不要遵守那份合约是你的事.我没有话说了.] 筱婕喊着说因为小
[小杰快去追筱婕!我知道你还爱她的就算没有那份合约,你还是会嫁给她的.] 范范

合当她的老公.] 黑人说

[喂?] 鬼鬼说
[鬼鬼] 筱婕哭着说
[发生了什么事?你别哭.你在哪里?] 鬼鬼说
..因为..我答应合约的内容...他不要和我结婚...] 筱婕哭着说
结婚而是时间还没到呢..] 鬼鬼说
[没关系..你去照顾小恩吧不用关我,别担心我没事了.] 筱婕说完后把电话挂断
[喂...筱婕..] 鬼鬼说

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-28 15:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:02  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter 10: 小男孩
[王子,你可以打电话给你的弟弟吗?问他他对筱婕做了什么?为什么她打电话给我时哭的那么伤心?] 鬼鬼说
[为什么?发生了什么事?我想是因为那份合约因为那份合约是妈妈和爸爸做的..一定没有什么好东西.] 王子躺在床上说
[我刚才好不容易摇小恩睡觉你可以让我休息吗?] 王子说
[不可以.现在就去打电话.我担心筱婕会做傻事.] 鬼鬼说
[好吧好吧..] 王子无奈的说
[小杰?你在哪里,你知道筱婕在哭吗?] 王子说
[哦我的儿子!王子,小杰已经出去追筱婕了.他忘了把手机带走.] 范范说
[他怎么知道在哪里找筱婕?妈妈....] 电话被鬼鬼抢走了.
[妈妈,筱婕为什么会哭?] 鬼鬼说
[我不知道.最好是让他们自己决绝.可是我想筱婕当我的第二个女儿.] 范范伤心的说
[好吧.如果你有筱婕的消息一定要跟我说.] 鬼鬼说
[好的.你也是哦.] 范范说
[漂亮的姐姐, 这个给你.别哭了.] 小男孩把毛巾交给筱婕后就走了.

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-28 17:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:03  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter 11: 两个小孩
[姐姐,别哭了.有一个哥哥叫我把这个交给你.] 小女孩说
[谢谢.] 筱婕无力的说.她开始想,为什么那些小孩子来到她的面前就会拿东西给她


[没关系,有可能我到小屋时,里面有食物吃,] 筱婕说
[我对不起..永远都不要离开我.] 小杰边说边打开那个盒子.


[答应他...答应他...] 那两个小孩子喊着说
[我还一为你不要跟我结婚?] 筱婕说
我没有说过我不要嫁给你只是时间还没到.可是,我发现时间已经到了.] 小杰说

[我爱你] 筱婕说
[我也爱你] 小杰说
[嘿嘿...] 筱婕说
[你肚子饿了?] 小杰说
[对阿..我还没吃午餐.] 筱婕说
[好吧..为了感谢你们我就请你们吃麦当劳.] 小杰说
[耶!!!] 那两位小孩子说
[他们好可爱哦..你在那找到他们的?] 筱婕一边问一边把小女孩抱起来
[你还记得阿纬吗?那个和丫头一起参加王子的结婚典礼.] 小杰说
[记得..] 筱婕说
[他们就是阿纬和丫头的双宝太孩子.] 小杰说他一边把小男孩抱起来让后另一只手
[他们好可爱哦..] 筱婕说

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-28 19:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
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註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:04  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Chapter 12: 牙犬?


[筱婕你好漂亮哦.再多一个月我就得把小恩交给你了.] 鬼鬼说
[对阿...时间过得好快哦.] 筱婕说
[对阿..在过不久你就是小杰的老婆了.] 鬼鬼说
[对阿筱婕,你一定要当一位好老婆.我想尽快看到小小杰.] 大牙说
[大牙,小牙犬在哭.不哭不哭.] 鬼鬼说
[她肚子饿了.] 大牙说
[时间真的过的好快哦..小恩已经两个月大了,牙犬已经一个月半大了,] 筱婕说

[我很帅吧?] 小杰说
[哈哈..你当然帅.可是只有今天.其他天我最帅.] 敖犬说
一样那么快!] 小杰笑着说
[我是被逼的.你也会的.] 王子说
[说真的,范妈妈和黑爸爸真的很可爱.] 敖犬说




[范妈妈!] 筱婕说
[筱婕!巴黎好玩吗?我猜一定很好玩.] 范妈妈说
[我的天阿!你为什么买那么多东西?] 黑人说
[这些是礼物.小恩,牙犬,丫丫,纬丫最多礼物.] 小杰说

[ 本帖最後由 lamegurl26 於 2009-1-31 12:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
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閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:04  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
- fan mama and xiaojie[g]=
‘ Yes you know I brought a lot of cute clothes for xiao en! How is my little god son now? Has he grown bigger?’ xiaojie[g] asked fan mama.
‘ Yah. Oh my did you buy more cute clothes? You might need them soon!’ fan mama giggled and said excitedly.
‘ No!’ xiaojie[g] said. As they enter the car, chit chatting all the way, talking about the photos they took, the cute clothes they brought.
Hei ren started to drive, ‘ lets go to see xiao en first as I am still not tired.’ Xiaojie[g] say.
‘ Okay.’ All answered.
= guiwang’s house
ding dong.
‘ Who could it be … xiao en stay here don’t move. Ya tou look after him for me I go get the door.’ As guigui get up from the sofa and walk towards the door.
‘ it’s fan mama and xiaojie[g]’ guigui said excitedly as she hurry unlock the door.
‘ xiaojie[g]!’ guigui said as she hugged xiaojie[g] like she never seen her for years.
‘ guigui! Where’s xiao en I brought him lots of clothes!’ xiaojie[g] said as she point to amount of bag’s xiaojie carrying.
‘ that’s a lot, ya tou is inside with her twins and xiao en playing. Come in.’ guigui said.
‘ oh ya tou is here too? I brought her twins clothes too! Hon. Would you mind helping me take them out. I would bring these bags in first.’ Xiaojie[g] ask politely, then xiaojie nodded and walk back to where they parked the car.
Xiaojie[g], guigui , fan mama and hei ren walked in to the living room.
‘ xiao en … see who’s here … your ke ai god mama.’ Guigui said in a cute voice as she sat beside the xiao en and point at xiaojie[g]
‘ xiao en! God mama is here! Aww … you have grown bigger! See I buy so many clothes for you.’ Xiaojie[g] carry xiao en and said.
‘ Oh ya tou, I brought clothes for your twins too. Xiaojie went to get them.’ Xiaojie[g] said.
‘ Thanks you shouldn’t have.’ Ya tou said as she carry her daughter up and sat on the sofa.
‘ ya wei come here. Come god mama here.’ Guigui said as ya wei tried to walk towards guigui.
‘ guigui I go borrow xiao en’s room to make yaya sleep can? She’s tired. And a-wei wouldn’t be here so soon.
‘ Sure, you know which is the room.’ Guigui said as she carried ya wei and make funny faces to make him laugh.
‘ xiaojie[g] here are your bags, now could you let me carry my god son.’ Xiaojie said as he reached out his hands.
‘ Well … xiao en you want god papa to carry? Or god mama. Say god mama…’ xiaojie[g] looked at xiao en and say then she looked at xiaojie and stick her tongue out just like a little girl.
‘ Not fair.’ Xiaojie said.
‘ Alright, since you help me carry the bags I would let you carry xiao en.’ Xiaojie[g] said as she hands xiao en to xiaojie.

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:05  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
hei ren and fan fan laughed at the 2 xiaojie and said, ‘ since you guys like xiao en so much then get another xiao jie!’
xiaojie did the rolling eyes then looked at fan mama.
Xiaojie[g] just kept quiet as she was finding the little jumper which she brought for xiao en.
‘ There it is!’ xiaojie[g] said.
‘ Here this would look cute on you.’ Xiaojie[g] said as she show xiao en the jumper.
‘ Excuse me? Do you think he would be able to reply with a “yah it would look so cute on me?”’ xiaojie ask sarcastically.
‘ Nope? Can you don’t always like that a not?’ xiaojie[g] said then she looked away.
‘ I was just joking, you took it serious?’ xiaojie ask as he sense that xiaojie[g] was angry.
‘ Nope I never took it serious! Don’t want to talk to you. Hump …’ xiaojie[g] said as she took out a little tee shirt just the right size for ya wei and show ya wei.
‘ ya wei you must grow up and be caring like your daddy don’t be like xiaojie uncle! So mean.’ Xiaojie[g] said as she looked at ya wei and point to xiaojie.
ya wei laughed.
‘ See even a little kid can tell you 2 are childish. Xiaojie give in.’ hei ren said.
‘ Fine I am sorry.’ As he took xiao en’s small little chubby hands and rub against xiao en’s forehead.
‘ You are not sorry, xiao en is.’ Xiao jie[g] said as she walked to the kitchen.
‘ xiao en is forgiven not you!’ xiaojie[g] said again.
‘ Here she goes again; she is always getting angry easily these days. ’ Xiaojie said as he passed xiao en to fan fan and walked to the kitchen.
= Kitchen =
xiaojie[g] was pouring water and munching on chips.
Xiaojie hugged from the back. And he whispered; ‘ sorry.’
Xiaojie[g] was shocked and she turned back their lips met.
Just then guigui was bring ya wei to the kitchen to get some baby food. Then she said,
‘ opps ya wei not for you to see, you guys can continue I didn’t see anything.’
Then she brought ya wei out.
‘ okay. I am sorry too.’ Xiaojie[g] said.
‘ I didn’t know whats happening to me.’ xiaojie[g] said.
‘ huh? Are you sick? Having fever?’ xiaojie asked as he feel xiaojie[g]’s forehead seeing whether is she having a fever.
‘ no of course not.’ Xiaojie[g] laughed at xiaojie actions then she continued,
‘ lets go out now.’ She brought her drink out and then walked out of the kitchen with xiaojie.
ya tou came out of the room.
‘ ya ya asleep?’ fan fan asked.
‘ Yes finally.’ Ya tou said as she looked at the clock.
‘ What time did they say they will be back guigui?’ ya tou ask.
‘ Should be back any moment now.’ Guigui said as she looked at ya wei.
‘ Where did wang zi go to?’ hei ren asked.
‘ He went out with a-wei saying andy ge wants the 6 bang to have a meeting but xiaojie was on honey moon so he said xiaojie was excluded from the meeting. Wang zi would pass you the message I think.’ Guigui said.

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:06  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
‘ I wonder what it is …’ xiaojie said to himself.
‘ I think it is about having a second drama?’ guigui said.
‘ Really? Are we involved?’ xiaojie[g] asked.
‘ I think so. Not sure yet.’ Ya tou replied.
In other few more days, gui gui and wang zi have to leave for work leaving xiao en to xiaojie[both] only.
- xiao jie’s room.
Xiaojie was making a call asking wang zi what did andy ge call them for a meeting for. (Notice: xiao en is already with xiaojie[both] )
= on the line
WZ: he wants us to do a drama with hei girl after my drama with guigui.
XJ: really? When?
WZ: not sure yet soon I think.
XJ: I would be waiting then. Then if you guys have another drama on who will look after xiao en?
WZ: not sure maybe sharing a nanny with ah wei and ao quan.
XJ: you guys share everything. [Laughs]
WZ: yea.
They hung up as
4 mths later …
xiaojie[g] called xiaojie to fetch her and xiao en at the shopping mall at 6pm and it is already 5.45pm he haven’t prepare.
He smsed xiaojie[g] that he would be late, then he rushed to prepare.
- at the mall.
Xiaojie[g] was sitting down looking at the items she brought for xiao en.
She stared at the cute little boy sleeping in the pram.
Xiaojie[g] POV
He looked so cute even when he is asleep.
“Ouch whats that.’
End of pov.
A little boy around the age of 6 accidentally rolled the ball and hit on to xiaojie[g].
‘ Sorry jie jie.’ The little boy said as he run after the ball.
‘ Never mind don’t play here, it is dangerous.’ Xiaojie[g] said as she picked up the ball and return to the little boy.
Wahh … xiao en suddenly cry.
Xiaojie[g] rushed back to the pram.
‘ shh … why why?’ xiaojie[g] said as she carry xiao en up.
The little boy walked towards xiao jie and said, ‘ so cute… baby.’ As he stroke the forehead.
Pu pu … xiaojie car came by.
He kept the pram, xiaojie[g] enter the car with xiao en.
‘ So where do you want to go now?’ xiaojie asked.
‘ Dinner perhaps? Wait did you called wang zi? What did he said’ xiaojie[g] asked.
‘ Well we are going to have a drama soon. Don’t know what is it called yet. That’s what he said. And you want to go where for dinner?’ xiaojie asked.
‘ Home! I will cook.’ Xiaojie[g] said as she smiled.
‘ You sure? I don’t want burnt food.’ Xiaojie said as he drove off.
‘ Wouldn’t burnt uh. Trust me’ xiaojie[g] said.
‘ I would trust you that you burnt the food.’ Xiaojie whispered so that xiaojie[g] didn’t know what he was saying. Then suddenly xiao en laughed.

Rank: 2

等级: 31 - 模范棒棒堂堂主
生命值 : 17 / 752
魔力值 : 429 / 33864
经验值 : 8 %

UID: 23760
精華: 0
積分: 70
帖子: 1289
威望: 70
金錢: 64
被警告: 0
閱讀權限: 20
註冊: 2008-12-1
發表於 2009-1-24 10:06  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
= Home =
xiaojie[g] was at home cooking spaghetti and baby food.
She was looking at the recipe and cook.
One tablespoon.
Xiaojie was at the living room with xiao en playing with him peeka boo.
‘ Done!’ xiao jie[g] shouted as she enter to the dinning area.
Xiaojie carry xiao en and put him down at the high chair. Then he walked to the table and look at the food xiaojie[g]
‘ What is this?’ as he points to the DARK very dark red very close to black sauce.
‘Spaghetti sauce. I accidentally burnt them sorry. But it is still edible if you don’t want to eat I can cook something else ’ Xiaojie[g] replied as she bring a bowl of baby food to xiao en.
‘ Never mind I would eat it.’ Xiaojie said as he didn’t want xiaojie[g] to feel sad.
‘ xiaojie[g] come and eat also uh.’ Xiaojie said.
‘ No you eat first, I need to feed him.’ Xiaojie[g] said as she open her mouth to a O shape and feed xiao en.
‘ I would feed him.’ Xiaojie said.
‘ no no you eat first later he’s finishing soon, he eat very fast.’ Xiaojie[g] as she show xiaojie the bowl.
‘ alright then.’ Xiaojie said then suddenly his phone ring.
It is a conference call with the 6 of them. ( the lollipop members)
WZ: hey eh xiaojie have you fed xiao en? Guigui is worried. Oh guigui and I have already finish filming then andy ge said that we will have to start fliming right after guigui and I come back which is tomorrow. Abit of rush, ao quan have you found a nanny?’
XJ: yea xiaojie[g] is feeding him. Why the rush.
AQ: nope haven’t found a nanny yet.
AW: how about fan fan and hei ren?
WL: can’t I heard that they would be in bei jing for some opening.
XY: hmm … maybe you guys could bring your kids to the fliming area then we take turns to look after them. I think andy ge don’t mind.
WZ: then I think that’s the only choice.
XJ: finally what time would you be back?
WZ: tomorrow we would meet at the film area. Bring xiao en’s milk and pampers remember.
XJ: yes okay when did you became so naggy.
WZ: wei lian contact mei mei and apple and xiao man to tell them about the drama.
XY: I would tell xiao xun.
AQ: look who is talking … xiao xun uh … still say got nothing to do with her.
XY: shut up smelly old dog.
AQ: hey you said smelly dog I don’t mind, why must you put the OLD in front.
XY: you are already a father don’t want me to call you young one?
AQ: whatever.
WZ: okay guigui is calling bye.
Wangzi hung up.
XY: gonna call xiao xun.
AQ: going to look after ya quan now bye.
Xiao yu and ao quan hung up.
AW: bye xiaojie remember not to be late tomorrow.
All hung up.


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