[MV]馮曦妤 - Forever Friend - 線上MV - 音樂分享 - 我愛黑澀會 | 模範棒棒堂 ♂ 超級後援會 - Powered by Discuz!
我愛黑澀會 | 模範棒棒堂 ♂ 超級後援會
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標題: [MV]馮曦妤 - Forever Friend
Rank: 1

等级: 29 - 模范棒棒堂VIP
生命值 : 13 / 704
魔力值 : 368 / 31857
经验值 : 19 %

UID: 25486
精華: 0
積分: 27
帖子: 1106
威望: 27
金錢: 53
被警告: -5
閱讀權限: 10
註冊: 2009-1-12
來自: MEIMEI星球
發表於 2009-9-15 19:16  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友  添加 s031065 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 s031065 交談 Yahoo!

原帖由 晴天小娃 於 2009-8-8 00:08 發表

I believe I can love
You give me your loving care
I believe in what we are
I don't know where I would be
Without you staying with me
Sometimes, I'm lost in misery
You will take me all the way, I'm not afraid
Oh, you and me, hand in hand
To everywhere amazing
Be my friend, oh friend
We are forever friends
Oh baby, you give me all the love I need
You are the only one
I believe I can love
You give me your loving care
I believe in what we are
You will take me all the way, as day by day
Oh, you and me, hand in hand
To everywhere amazing
Be my friend, oh friend
We are forever friends
Oh baby, you give me all the love I need
You are the only one
You will take me all the way, as day by day
Oh, you and me, hand in hand
To everywhere amazing
Be my friend, oh friend
We are forever friends
Oh baby, you give me all the love I need
You are the only one


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